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Codes, Codes, Codes…

On August 10, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

The new site is coming along; it’s only a matter of getting some coding done at this point. We’re hard at work on it, and are making some big plans on getting the word out.

Email blasts, social networks, and hopefully some word of mouth (that’s where you come in) will be in full force on this one. Please, if you like our service, tell everyone you know about us; have them follow our twitter, like our facebook, and subscribe to this blog.

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Same Old, Same Old

On August 8, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

Here goes another week of Couponing. Just a little update: the new site is indeed still coming, but the exact date isn’t clear just yet. Good things come to those who wait!

On another note, we are going to have this blog layout spruce up a bit, but for I’ve done some minor aesthetic work. Now at least we have our new site logo and some color scheme going on. I think it has some good fung shui.

Now all we need is for someone to make an actual layout, and maybe explain to me what fung shui is; I obviously have no idea.

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…The Next Day

On August 5, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

Last night’s party was great: everyone enjoyed themselves and it was an excuse to loosen up in the office. Now all there is left to do is some post-celebration cleaning and we’ll be back to the usual coupon business.

Thanks to everyone who came out, we hope you had as much fun as we did.

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“Party On, Dudes!” – Abraham Lincoln

On August 4, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

Any classy blog has at least one “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventurer” reference.

On the serious side, we are all really excited about tonight’s get together. There’s going to be wine and cheese, family and friends, staff, and even some press reps. Not much else we could ask for, really.

This is a big moment for this company; actually having “coupon” in our domain name will really help out our searchability, and draw more unique users to us. There’s good reason to think things are going to take off pretty soon, and in a big way.

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Getting the Word Out

On August 4, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

Photo by Christie Farriella

I mentioned last week, in the post”Photo Shoot“, that the NY Daily News would be printing an article on Couponology. Looks like it happened sooner than we thought; the article is out!

Read it here!

Continue reading »

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