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You “Like” Us, You Really “Like” Us!

On August 2, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

Just launched our new Facebook Fan Page; not a monumental step, but another towards the new site’s launch. The page will offer the same style deal posts that the old fan page did, but with the new Couponology name.

Head over and “like” it if you want to get Facebook notifications on select deals and coupons. Don’t forget to follow our Twitter if you haven’t already, where you can also find outstanding savings.

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Platinum Publisher Status

On August 1, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

Good news just keeps coming in. Not only do we have a feature in the NY Daily News coming up, and an office party to celebrate the launch of our new site later this week; Couponology recently recieved the prestigious Platinum Publishers status from the LinkShare network.

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Four New Big Name Brands

On August 1, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

We have a plethora of venders here at Couponology. Really, they’re a big part of the company we are. Our relationships with venders of brand name products allows us to supply you and the rest of our costumers with such outstanding deals. Look forward to more from these luxury brands:

Nordstrom: ”…one of the nation’s leading fashion specialty retailers, with 214 U.S. stores located in 28 states. Founded in 1901 as a shoe store in Seattle, today Nordstrom operates115 Full-Line Stores, 96 Nordstrom Racks, two Jeffrey boutiques and one clearance store. Nordstrom also serves customers through its online presence and through its catalogs. Nordstrom, Inc. is publicly traded on the NYSE under the symbol JWN.” –

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