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Check out our new wiki, wiki, whaaa!

On November 3, 2011, in News, by John Daskalis just activated our Couponology Wiki page on their site. The page is a brief outline of the services we provide as well as an explanation of the various types of online coupons.

When you get a chance log on read the wiki and tell us what you think.  We are always looking for ways to improve our services and get the word out about the many awesome deals you can find here on the site.

Harry & David coupon codes.
Shop online and save when you use the Harry & David coupon codes.

My favorite deal this week comes from Harry and David.  They are currently offering $30 off any purchase of $150 or more!  If you have never purchased anything from them before, now is the time.  Their products are fantastic.  Use the Harry and David Coupon Code to make sure you get your discount.


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