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REI Coupons promote Outdoor Adventure?

On November 6, 2011, in News, by John Daskalis

I recently came across an article on that had the following title.

REI Promo Codes Keep Me Outdoors!

REI Promo Codes keep me Outdoors!

I was immediately intrigued to find out more about this correlation.  As I read the article, the writer brought up some interesting points. One that resonated with me is that nature is  not necessarily free.  By that, the author implies that camping equipment, hiking gear and all of the supplies one needs to have a safe, pleasant and comfortable experience cost money.  In some cases a lot of money.

The writer states that he can finance his outdoor adventures by making sure he uses REI Promo Codes from our site.  Yeah!  I knew there was something I liked about him.

Anyway, I don’t want to take away too much from the writer by repeating all his points here.  If you have some extra time, check out his article and let him know we told you about it!

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