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DotW #1 – KarmaLoop Promo Code

On January 10, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

KarmaLoop is a brand for people who don’t follow suit with mainstream fashion. With a heavy urban influence, though it branches into other styles, this retailer offers everything any young urbanite could ask for. I hope my mild sarcasm is translating. This isn’t the type of site for someone who would say “young urbanite”, it’s geared more towards a genuine urban demographic. Not the kind of clothes you would find in any old, suburban mall, but cutting edge fashion for people really living that lifestyle.

This is the place to find unique graphic t’s, innovative accessories like a Hooded Scarf or The Creeper Beanie (a skull cap that pulls down as a full-face mask), and all the usual apparel in the most least usual ways. Yeah, you can find yourself jeans or a plaid button-down if you’re not looking to brush too hard against the grain, but they will have KarmaLoop’s particular cut and design.

This kind of quality and variance from the norm comes at a cost. KarmaLoop products are priced higher than the clothes you can find in certain stores, but as most higher-priced outlets, the extra dollars and cents are aptly applied. Even though it’s worth making a full-priced purchase here, there is no sense to when you could get yourself a heavy discount. Something like 20% would be helpful.

What you need is a KarmaLoop promo code to get that kind of price drop. If your order adds up to $75 or more, reveal our promo code and enter it at checkout. You’ll watch 1/5 of your bill disappear! Using this, along with some of the sales you can find on the site before using any online coupons will get you everything you want for a price you wouldn’t believe. So stock up on clothes before the spring season, because this deal is ends Jan. 31st, 2012!

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