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I’ve Seen the Lights Go Out on CyberSpace

On January 18, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

The internet is a dark place right now. If you and a friend are fighting over whether or not Scarlett Johansson was in “Home Alone 3″, you might run into trouble if you Wiki the answer – and yes, she was.  Sites like Wikipedia, Reddit, and Craig’s List have turned out the lights on their patron, all in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP Act.

The issues surrounding SOPA and PIPA are far greater than settling your petty arguments. The very structure of the internet is threatened by these well-intentioned, but poorly executed bills. Read what these sites have to say, and form your own opinion on the controversy, here.

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A Day of Reflection

On January 16, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

It’s Martin Luther King Day, and that means different things to different people. As with most other holidays, there are a lot of sales going on and you can save big by using our online coupons. With that out of the way, I hope once before you start and after you finish shopping, you take some time to reflect.

This isn’t just a day for you to save, or for your kids to take off of school. Today is the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as I’m sure everyone reading this already knows. Without him, we would live in a dramatically different world. Take some time to reflect on things like prejudice and other social issues today, especially if you usually don’t.

Enjoy your day off, and all the great deals you’ll find today.

DotW #2 – AMIClubwear Coupons

On January 15, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Couponology

Everybody’s workin’ for the weekend! Okay, maybe not everybody, but you can be sure that about 90% of 20-something women are. So what does this mean for them exactly? Well, besides the chance to take advantage of another fabulous Deal of the Week, it mostly likely means a night out on the town with the girls. In a perfect world, we could all abide by the #1 rule (never wear an outfit more than once), without putting a dent in our hard-earned paychecks. That being said, you might as well color me perfect, because AMIClubwear has been my go-to site for nightclub attire for years now, with good reason.

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Coupons for LightInTheBox

On January 11, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

You guys know what blue ribbon means, right? Not necessarily cheap beer; it usually means that something is at the top of its field. That in mind, when LightInTheBox says they’ve been, “a worldwide business leader in selling blue-ribbon consumer goods since 2006,” it should let you know something about their products.

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DotW #1 – KarmaLoop Promo Code

On January 10, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

KarmaLoop is a brand for people who don’t follow suit with mainstream fashion. With a heavy urban influence, though it branches into other styles, this retailer offers everything any young urbanite could ask for. I hope my mild sarcasm is translating. This isn’t the type of site for someone who would say “young urbanite”, it’s geared more towards a genuine urban demographic. Not the kind of clothes you would find in any old, suburban mall, but cutting edge fashion for people really living that lifestyle.

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