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Timberland Online Coupons

On January 9, 2012, in Featured Merchants, News, by Tom Herrmann

I don’t know about you, but when I hear Timberland, the first thing that comes to mind is work boots. The kind that you could wear on the job or when you go out somewhere casual. Never the less, my imagination doesn’t take me to half the things that Timberland actually offers. It’s not all about the labor anymore! You could build an entire wardrobe with Timberland’s apparel, and you wouldn’t have to look like a lumberjack or construction worker if you did – unless you want to. You can get your work clothes and your stylish get-ups all at the same time. Sometimes they’re even the same thing!

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Most stores can be placed in grouped together with ease. You have your department stores, clothing store, sports shops, shoe stores, and so on. There are a few retailers that can’t be dropped into such a clean cut category. Think of a store like Brookstone; if someone asked you to give a one word description of what they sell, what would you say? Gadgets? You wouldn’t be wrong, but you’d be making a  gross understatement. What about gifts? That’s technically right, but gifts implies a different kind of product. Joy? Now you’re just being dramatic.

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Valentine’s Coupons!

On January 4, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

The holidays are over. Your Christmas tree, menorah, festivous poll; whatever you had up, is down. With the exception of birthdays and random acts of kindness, there aren’t any big gift-giving days for over a month. Don’t hesitate though, especially if you’re seeing someone! Valentine’s Day is coming up quicker than you think. If you keep putting if off you might not be able to get that perfect piece of jewelry, or that dinner reservation you’ve been meaning to place. Like always, planning ahead can save you from a lot of grief.

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So, This is the New Year

On January 4, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

In case you didn’t know, it’s now 2012. A whole new year is here for you to take steps towards the things you want in your life. New Year’s Resolutions might seem hokey to some people, after all, New Year’s Day is just like any other day. You could start bettering yourself or working for something at any point, but a new year is a good marker to start on. January first helps you monitor how long you last before breaking your diet, and odds are you won’t be the only one with a new goal, so you have a sort of support net helping you.

Personally, I’ve never been a fan of the tradition, but now that I’m staring at my 23rd year of existence (and hitting my quarter life crisis); it seemed like a good year to start. My  objective is general, but hey, I’m new at this. All I’ve decided to do is take better care of myself. This sounds simple, but I’m taking it in all kinds of different directions. I’ll be taking vitamins, exercising, getting some new clothes, and saving as much money as possible while doing all of this. Good thing I work for an online coupon site; promo codes come in handy on a budget.

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