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Valentine’s Coupons!

On January 4, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

The holidays are over. Your Christmas tree, menorah, festivous poll; whatever you had up, is down. With the exception of birthdays and random acts of kindness, there aren’t any big gift-giving days for over a month. Don’t hesitate though, especially if you’re seeing someone! Valentine’s Day is coming up quicker than you think. If you keep putting if off you might not be able to get that perfect piece of jewelry, or that dinner reservation you’ve been meaning to place. Like always, planning ahead can save you from a lot of grief.

To really appreciate Valentine’s Day, you have to understand the history. Valentine’s Day was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD, and… Just kidding. All you need is someone you care about, and something special to give them. It couldn’t hurt to get a great deal on that something special either. As an early Valentine’s present from us, here at Couponology, we’ll let you in on the best ways to get the ideal flower arrangement this year, without breaking the bank.


There are two coupon pages you’re going to want to check out: 1-800-Flowers coupons and ProFlowers coupons. 1-800-Flowers has promo codes for 15% off $40+ orders and $10 off $60+ orders, along with coupons for items up to 25% off and $30 arrangements. Bare in mind that these deals all expire on Jan. 31st, so start browsing their selection as soon as possible.


As far as ProFlowers is concerned, they have a bunch of coupons that can help you out. You can get 20% off a dozen red roses, or 50% off a dozen rainbow roses, but both of these expire on Jan. 15th. That might be a little early for Valentine’s Day. You can still get select flowers for $20 with a free vase until the end of the Jan, or 15% off their winter collection until Feb 19th, a few days AFTER V-Day.

If you’re feeling like these don’t fit your needs, or just want to see what else we have, check out our Flowers coupons page. Every merchant we have offering deals on flowers is listed there.

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