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I’m NOT a Survivor, but My iPhone Case Is!

On April 5, 2012, in News, by John Daskalis

My son has been driving me crazy to take him and his friend’s paintballing for the longest time.  For the last couple of months I had been dodging the proverbial “paintball” by offering up other exciting activities, like tickets to a NY Knicks game or ATVing.

Unfortunately, I ran out of excuses when he was invited to a Paintball Party by my good friend’s son.  What made matters worse is that I was volunteered to chaperone along with a couple of other dads.

When we arrived at the facility, the staff split us up into three teams and each parent was assigned a platoon of kids to lead.  For my son’s sake, I didn’t want to show my reluctance so I put on my best ‘Rambo’ face and headed out into the trenches.

I’m not exactly sure when it happened, but during the course of battle, my bogus ‘Rambo’ face turned into pure adrenaline.  I found myself face-diving into trenches, crawling in the mud, and taking cover in the bush like a real jarhead.  I was even talking like one, shouting things like, “move Out”, “hooya”, and “recon”.

Once our tour of duty was over, we headed back to base camp where we tended to our wounds and traded war stories.  I had pain nearly everywhere in my body from the punishment of the hard earth and the barrage of paintball bullets I took on as a human shield for my platoon.

Even with all the pain and dirt, my day could not have been going any better until, I reached for my phone to call my wife.  What I pulled from my back pocket was supposed to be my phone but it looked more like a wet, beaten, mud covered ex-iPhone.   I was certain I would be dishing out a lot of money to replace my new phone.

As I wiped away the dirt , I noticed that the case was still intact, and the clear plastic that protected the face of the phone was unharmed.  I anxiously moved my finger across the bottom of the screen to see if the slide bar would work, and it did!

Then I started clicking on the different apps to check if they worked.  After everything checked out I made that call to my wife for the final test.  The day’s excitement quickly returned when the call when through and I was able have a crystal clear conversation.

This Griffin Technology iPhone Survivor case is awesome! It survived mud, paintballs and a 200lbs beating.  If you think you’ve ever be in any situation remotely similar I highly suggest you pick one up.

You can even save a couple of bucks by using a Griffin Technology coupon code at checkout to save up to 15% off your purchase.  I may not have survived paintball, but my iPhone did!

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