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iPad Survivor Case Winner!

On April 23, 2012, in Events, by Tom Herrmann

Our most recent #couponPIX Twitter giveaway has come to a close. Just like last time, we asked you tweet us an answer to a simple question: Why are you a survivor?

We got a lot of great and inspiring answers from our followers, but there can only be one winner. It was a close call, but our pick is from Kacie Phillips (@kacie_phillips).

Kacie wrote, “I am a survivor because I live each and every day with the upmost optimism to make things happen!” That’s nothing short of the best attitude a person can have toward life, and the best way to combat adversity!

As the lucky winner of our giveaway, Kacie will be getting a free iPad Survivor Case. This Griffin Technology product is the best of its kind, and will make her iPad virtually indestructible!

Maybe “indestructible” is a strong word, but it offers more protection and style than any other case out there. Just read what the Griffin website has to say about this certified US Department of Defense Standard military duty case.

“Survivor is built on a shatter-resistant polycarbonate frame clad in rugged, shock absorbing silicone. A built-in screen protector seals your Multi-Touch display from the outside environment, while hinged plugs seal the dock connector, camera lens, headphone port, hold switch and volume controls. The included stand clips on, then folds open for landscape viewing and typing.”

That’s a lot of precautions taken to keep your tablet safe. Go in the wind, rain, dust storms, or even drop it from 6′ heights. It’s ok, this case can take it!

So Kacie’s positive outlook on life and survivor status has earned her an invincible iPad. A little optimism can go a long way, and it did here.

Thank you, again, to everyone who entered our contest and shared your stories. Be sure to keep following for more giveaways, and the online coupons and promo codes.


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