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Visa Gift Card Giveaway Winner!

On April 4, 2012, in Events, by Tom Herrmann

Our very first contest comes to a close, along with one of our busiest weeks. We set up the $100 Visa Gift Card contest to coincide with the debut of “Couponology Corner” on the PIX11 Morning News, and getting both done at once was hectic to say the least.

Tweet your congratulations to @Dieting_Prblms, because she takes home the prize. You can see her winning post below.

That’s just the kind of thing we were looking for. She let us know that we help her in the day-to-day things she gets done.

We want to help people out. Whether it’s families, or independent 22 year-olds, just making it by financially, it doesn’t matter. We want to bring you deals to make budgeting easy!

If you want to learn a little more about our winner, you should check out her blog, “Dieting Problems“. She has a lot of great content on there; very down to earth and relatable for anyone who is trying to cut

Anyone else who shared their love for our brand: don’t let this get you down. We truly appreciate everything that came onto our twitter feed, and we will be holding another contest soon enough.

Keep following @Couponology to get online coupons, promo codes, and giveaways!


UPDATE (04/23/12): Contest winner @Dieting_Prblms has written a blog post on what she did with her Visa Gift Card. See what she did with her winnings here!

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