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Get Creative with Couponology and Win a Nikon!

On December 3, 2012, in News, by Couponology

December is all about giving and  and in that spirit, we’ve paired up with electronics/camera geniuses at Adorama for our most exciting giveaway of the season: THREE Nikon 1 J1 Mirrorless cameras! We’ll be launching a campaign every Monday and announce a winner on Friday for three weeks, starting today. For this week’s giveaway, we want to see your creative side (we know it can get buried behind your day-to-day)! Here are the rules:

1. Follow @Couponology on Twitter

2. Tweet your best holiday rhyme

3. Mention @Couponology at the end of your tweet & hashtag #adorama 

That’s it! You can gain an extra entry via Instagram, just repost our IG photo and tell your friends to enter!

Best of luck and happy holidays Couponers!


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2 Responses to Get Creative with Couponology and Win a Nikon!

  1. Nikki Sapp says:

    Would love to wrap this up for my brother this christmas!

  2. Couponology says:

    I’m sure he’d love to receive it! Enter for your chance =)

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