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All You Need Is Love … And Skechers!

On February 25, 2014, in Featured Merchants, by nbourma

Who said comfort can’t be combined with style and fashion? It was probably me, like most women on this planet – and even some men, for that matter. That’s usually how it goes. Whether you’re lucky enough to attend a fashion show, or even while you browse a magazine, you are probably thinking that there is no way that beautiful shoe you are drooling over could possibly be comfortable. I really can’t blame you, since us ladies have been used to that ugly, inevitable truth for so long. And don’t even get me started with the athletic styles, which usually translate to bulky, and in some cases, tasteless footwear. In that case, it’s even easier to parallel the extreme comfort with the extreme lack of aesthetic appeal. And you know what? I still believe that it is quite hard to find a shoe that combines comfort, style, trendiness, quality and durability – that is, unless you are shopping for your footwear needs at

For me, my morning footwear selection can literally make or break the day ahead. You can always work with a pair of jeans that loses its stretch, or a short and uncomfortable skirt, but you really can’t (and SHOULDN’T) handle an uncomfortable pair of shoes – unless you work at an indoor playground and you are obliged to take your shoes off before you begin the workday. So, let’s make a new beginning here!


The morning task of selecting your footwear will be made a lot easier when you have already bought the correct pair of shoes – and if you deny this, you are simply kidding yourself! So, from now on, you must be careful in your selection process when you buy shoes – don’t worry, I’ve got your back here and I’ll show you the way! Whether you are in a boot, sandal, sneaker, or wedge type of mood, I promise you’ll get the best from Skechers. If style and comfort alone don’t count for you, then keep in mind that Skechers is not just a shoe brand – it’s an innovator.



First, we have the incredible Shape-ups that offer the wearer not only better body posture, strength, and muscle activation, but also increase the calorie burn and reduce back pain. All in all, they offer a complete walking shoe experience, made according to high standards and top quality. And now, Skechers hits the front page again with another innovation that I’d like to present by making a simile. Do you own a memory foam mattress? If not, go get one! If you do, then you know this amazing feeling when you lie on the bed, and the even better one when you wake up in the morning. Here comes the memory foam collection, which helps to prolong that amazing feeling by transferring it to your feet throughout your day. With a wide range of styles for both men and women, this collection offers the best in support and comfort, molding according to your foot and body mass as everything with memory foam technology does. Seriously, this shoe will make you feel like you are “walking on air”! Mattress vs. Shoe: TIE!


Last but not least, their lines also include absolutely adorable footwear for the entire family. Whether your family loves weekend adventures, walks in the park, shopping trips or even just appreciates a gorgeous shoe, there is definitely something for everyone at Skechers. In fact, Skechers will be your new best friend if you’ve been blessed with one of those (spoiled) adorable daughters who can’t help but ask for a pair a day, because their prices are unbelievable! 







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