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Amplify Your Life with the Boston Acoustics Radio

On December 10, 2014, in Reviews, by Couponology


It’s that magical time of year again, folks! No, I’m not talking about the holidays, or the gift-giving, or even the fact that we’re probably spending way too much time with our families. Specifically, I’m referring to the season. Now, whether or not you’re actually experiencing the full effect of the season is dependent on your whereabouts, but for those of us enduring shorter, cooler days and longer, chillier nights with the sun appearing for what feels like only seconds throughout the day, I think we can all agree on one thing: we want more sleep! Unfortunately, even though we can’t really implement work days that begin at 11 am, we can make sure we savor every last moment of our precious slumber with the help of our trusty old friend, the snooze button.

That’s where the Boston Acoustics Solo II AM/FM radio comes in; this baby makes it virtually impossible to miss the snooze button, as it features a sort of ‘360 design’. In other words, you can smack your hand anywhere on the aluminum outer trim while you’re still half asleep to activate the snooze – no energy or brain-power required!  What’s even more amazing is the LCD display, which will automatically adjust its brightness depending on whether the lights are on or off so as not to disturb you.

The functionality of this radio doesn’t end there – it has lots of great features that you’ll love while you’re awake, too. I have to say, I was pretty impressed with the speaker on the Solo II, which can easily fill up a decent sized room with whatever your musical preference may be. Long gone are the days of static, fuzzy stations thanks to the high-precision tuner, especially when listening to those seemingly impossible-to-tune AM stations when you’re trying to catch the last minutes of the big game. And if the typical FM radio isn’t your thing anymore, the Solo II also comes equipped with an auxiliary port so you can connect your smart phone or music player and blast your own tunes for a little impromptu dance party!

I know what you’re thinking: how could this possibly get any better? With a giveaway, of course! Couponology has teamed up with PC Richard to give one lucky follower their very own Boston Acoustics Solo II – all you have to do is tweet at @Couponology using the hashtag #PCRichardGiveaway, and the winner will be picked at random and announced on 12/18. Good luck!

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