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My At Home Pamper Session With 100% Pure

On December 22, 2016, in News, by Couponology

It’s officially winter, and with the holiday season upon us, we all know what that means: spending time with family and friends, enjoying delicious food, snow days (depending on where you live) and of course, the inevitable cold and flu that thrives during this time of year! I hate to be a buzz kill, but considering I was just recently plagued with the stomach flu to end all stomach flus, I was in need of a MAJOR pick me up after my 48 hours of hell were served. Looking like I could be an extra from ‘The Walking Dead’, I thought, what better way to perk up than with a little at home spa day? That’s where my trusty friends at 100 Percent Pure come in. Being the skincare and makeup junkie that I am, nothing made me happier than to receive a care package with goodies from my favorite all-natural beauty brand. To give you a quick rundown, all their products are all natural, vegan, cruelty free, and are made with no harsh toxins or chemicals – hence the name, 100 Percent Pure!

To start off my pampering session, I made sure my skin was fresh and cleansed by using the Cucumber Juice Facial Cleansing Foam with my trusty Clarisonic. After that, the real fun began.


Feast your eyes on the Caffeine Mask! Now, I’m no stranger to face masks, but since I’m more of a traditional mask/sheet mask kind of gal, this particular one initially frightened me a bit. It’s a lot thicker than a sheet mask and has a gel-like consistency to it, which made it a bit more difficult to stay on my face. I found that it was much easier to use it while lying down, which wasn’t an issue for me at the time. The caffeine is supposed to serve as an anti-inflammatory ingredient and soothe redness, and I certainly noticed a difference after leaving it on for 20 minutes.


After my Caffeine Mask session was complete, I opted to use the Bright Eyes Mask. I can say with confidence that this was my favorite part of my whole routine, as they stayed put under my eyes without sliding, and delivered a much needed cool, hydrating feeling to my tired eyes. These eye gels also contain caffeine, so they were the perfect follow up to the face mask.


The next step in my pamper routine was the Vitamin C Serum. I know what you’re thinking: why on earth would anyone use Vitamin C on their face? Allow me to enlighten you! According to the 100 Percent Pure site, using a potent Vitamin C serum like this one can boost collagen production and brighten your skin’s appearance, and who doesn’t want that?! I used two pumps worth of the product, and gently massaged it into my skin, making sure it was completely absorbed before moving on to my regular moisturizer.


Last, but certainly not least, I finished up my spa day with the Coffee Bean Caffeine Eye Cream. Ladies, if you’re not using an eye cream, it’s NEVER too early to start. With all of the pulling, tugging, and rubbing we do to our eyes on a daily basis without even realizing it, they definitely need some TLC – don’t neglect them! Just a couple of dabs under my eyes were all I needed, which I of course applied with my ring finger for the least amount of pressure (very necessary when it comes to the most delicate area of the face.) I will warn you, the smell is something to get used to, but I quickly found that I ended up enjoying it more than loathing it.

The verdict? I felt like a queen, and my skin was revitalized, soft and glowing. Of course, you don’t need to be recovering from a virus to have an excuse to pamper yourself, so take advantage of all 100 Percent Pure has to offer and get 25% off your first purchase with our promo code!


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