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Outdoor Adventurist? Meet the SHERPA 100

On December 1, 2016, in News, by Couponology


For all my nature buffs out there, I’ve got the perfect product for you! The wilderness just got a little more fun with the creation of the SHERPA, and all of your gadgets will be thanking you for it.

A lot of hikers are using this nifty product on the trails, and it definitely comes in handy. Whether you’re creating documentaries about nature and extreme weather, or taking a long, leisurely trip just for fun, you can certainly utilize the power of the SHERPA 100! There are multiple ports that allow you to charge your cell phone, laptop, and rechargeable lights, (maybe even your Go Pro!), all at the same time through the power of the sun. I’m not a hiker, but I do enjoy camping, and having one of these on hand is great for recharging your camera or smartphone to ensure you’re capturing the greatest moments on your trip! It’s a 5-star rated product on the website, and after reading a few of these reviews, it’s easy to see that people also really enjoy how light weight such a powerful gadget like the SHERPA 100 is! Goal Zero, the creator of this handy kit, does a great job of explaining all its features. The website even has several charts breaking down how long it takes to charge the SHERPA, the battery life of every technology that can be hooked up on 1 charge, and other fun facts about the SHERPA’s charging power. Not only does it act as a place to charge your phone, but it can also be used as a flashlight! Aside from all its obvious amazing features, the thing I really like about this product is that there is no guessing with this device, because every single port is labeled and color-coded to make it super easy to use while on the road! With all of that being said, it’s not hard to see why this little gadget is quickly becoming the talk of the outdoor community!

Enjoy the outdoors in a new way with the SHERPA 100 Solar Kit from GoalZero!


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