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Take the Stress out of Holiday Decorating

On December 2, 2016, in News, by Couponology

Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by family, and filled with yummy food!

I don’t know about you guys, but as soon as the Thanksgiving plates are washed and put away, I break out the Christmas music along with the Christmas decorations. Christmas is my favorite holiday (followed by the Fourth of July), and decorating is one of my favorite things to do. I also know that the holidays can be a little stressful, so let me help you out – or rather, let Miles Kimball help you have a less stressful holiday, since they’ve graced us with probably the best thing since sliced: an amazing 4 foot fully decorated pull up Christmas tree! This tree takes the stress out of putting together an ordinary artificial tree, or having to deal with the pesky pine needles of a real tree!



Don’t be fooled by the image on the left of how it initially comes when you open the small box it’s packaged in. Once it’s out of the box, just pull up from where the ribbon topper is, and you’ll be left with the image you see on the right of a full tree, pre-lit with 100 white lights, and decorated with poinsettias, red and gold ribbon, and matching ornaments. This little tree is one that looks like it came right out of the pages of Better Homes and Gardens, and your guests will think it took you forever to decorate when it only took seconds! It is perfect for any small space or apartment, and the fact that it’s so small when collapsed makes it that much easier to store away, ready for use for many years to come. We will be decorating and setting up our Miles Kimball 4ft Pull up Fully Decorated Tree sometime this week, and I couldn’t be more excited. Let the spirit of Christmas begin!

Couponology wishes you and your family a happy holiday season filled with many blessings. And because we couldn’t leave you without the gift of savings, be sure to use our 30% promo code at Miles Kimball to save on your order!


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