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Safety Made Smarter with iSmart Alarm

On January 25, 2017, in News, by Couponology

If there’s anything that I can take away from taking marketing courses in college, it’s how much professors had stressed Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Basically, it’s a triangle that’s read from the bottom and as needs are completed you work your way up. Why am I giving you a mini marketing lesson in Maslow’s needs model? Easy- the second most pressing need is safety, which brings us to today’s featured product!


People want to feel safe, and many find that satisfaction in alarm systems. Since times are changing and technology is rapidly advancing, it’s no surprise that basic alarm systems are also advancing! Ismart is an at home security system controlled by the homeowner’s smartphone. This product connects to your Wi-Fi, and is quick and easy to install. If you’re constantly on the go and forget to arm your home, there’s no need to worry, because iSmart will have you covered! Constantly away from home and just want to check in to make sure everything is still okay? Again, iSmart has you covered!


This alarm system is designed to be installed easily and conveniently. The best thing about this system is that it’s not only super easy to install, but that there is no monthly fee and no contract! Honestly, there are so many great things about iSmart Alarm that it’s hard to pick just one; the whole system is just amazing!! If for any reason your alarm is triggered, you’ll receive a call, text, or email. You can choose to receive all three notifications, or decide which of the three alerts is most convenient for you.

Interested in getting your hands on one of these systems, but not ready to fully commit to every item? The company is mindful that everyone will not need the same amount of equipment, so they sell different packages to suit your individual needs. The website is very easy to navigate, and even provides suggestions for each package’s use. They sell about eight different packages in total, but if you receive your package and feel that you need a few more pieces, they also sell individual sensors and extra cameras that can be placed throughout your home. For those of you who are fans of the alarm yard signs, iSmart has them, along with a set of stickers to show your home is armed with the best!

Go on now, fulfill your safety needs with iSmart Alarm, and fulfill your money-saving needs with up to $115 off select iSmart packages!


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