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The Return of the Fanny Pack

On March 31, 2017, in News, by Couponology

Spring break may be over, but don’t fear…. We have SUMMER to look forward to! And if you’re going on vacation, I have the perfect travel essential; they were popular way back when, but I really think they’re making a comeback. Introducing the fun and fresh accessory for the season: the FANNY PACK!


While on a recent search at Spencer’s, I came across these guys and was not expecting to find them. To my surprise, the company was selling these cool side baggies that can be worn by both men and women, and holds everything you’d ever need in one convenient spot. That’s why I love them so much! Multiple pockets make it easy to stay organized, and it’s spacious enough to fit all the essentials, which is why these are perfect for hands-free, on-the-go vacationing. The tribal print and tie dye are probably my favorite styles, but I would definitely sport the American flag one for my favorite holiday, the Fourth of July.

Hooray for Spencer’s bringing back my favorite bag that I will probably end up buying for my whole family when we go on our annual vacation this summer. If you’re a fanny pack fanatic like myself, make sure to get yours soon, and use our Spencer’s promo code to snag 25% off!


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