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The Perfect Shave Starts at Dorco

On April 5, 2017, in News, by Couponology

The art of shaving… Something we all do, but is not always so cheap. Lucky for us, there’s Dorco.

Dorco creates quality and technologically advanced disposable razors for both men and women in the hopes to improve the shaving experience. The website acknowledges that people are different, so we all may not enjoy using the same type of razor. Dorco has multiple packages with a variety of handles and cartridges, all available at a lesser price because it’s coming straight from the source!


The men’s razor pictured above is the first of its kind with 7 blades, getting you a closer, cleaner shave. It’s also infused with vitamins to protect even the most sensitive skin, so trust this razor to clean you up and leave you free of razor burn. The women’s razor is designed to fit the shape of a lady’s hand, and, like the men’s razor, features a combination of vitamins to protect those with sensitive skin from the effects of shaving. The handles on the Dorco razors are compatible with the many cartridges the company offers, allowing you to mix and match to find your perfect fit for the perfect shave.

Don’t forget to enhance your shaving experience by using the D crème from Dorco. Combining these two forces will put an end to dull shaves and leave you with smoother skin. The mentholated shave cream is ideal for any areas you shave, and was created using the finest ingredients that won’t irritate your skin.

Everyone’s talking about a cleaner shave. Head on over to Dorco to get in on the experience, and stop overpaying for your shaving essentials! Be sure to check out our $5 off $15 Dorco promo code for even more savings. :)


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