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My Treasure Hunt Ends at Satya’s!

On May 9, 2017, in News, by Couponology

It was love at first sight; while scrolling through my Facebook feed, I laid eyes on the Mandala ring designed by Satya Jewelry.  I can’t remember which one, but a jewelry blogger posted a photo featuring these two rings—one in 18k gold, and one in sterling silver.


I was immediately drawn to the gold one, with the design being so bold and eye-catching.  I added the ring to my list with things I have to buy before I die (yes, I have paraphrased my bucket list). As with any item on that list, I sincerely hope to own it one day.

Lucky for me, that day has finally come! Being able to make this ring mine and owning something from Satya Jewelry is like taking a piece of her uniqueness into your life.  When I wear the ring, I can immediately see and feel what inspires her handcrafted works of art: things like inspiration, passion, and desire to stay engaged with your dream. A former social worker with a passion for childhood education, Satya wanted to create jewels not only for living, but for creating an opportunity for all children around the world. She notes that when you become aligned with your dream, the success becomes easier; not because there are no provocations, but because you are ready to handle them and meet your target. Satya says it best, “I made the focus on the bravery that I think is inside all of us. And the vision was so explicit, and I was so motivated to make it happen, that it was easy.” This can only be said from designers who put their heart and soul into each piece, and this is very apparent in all of Satya’s creations.

I mixed the geometric form and patterned brilliance of the gold Mandala ring by Satya Jewelry with the Libra Zodiac necklace.



The makeshift ring added a splash of mystery that coincides nicely with the mortal and divine necklace. I’m curious to see what else I can mix and match this ring with, even though it is an amazing piece on its own. I like creating some unexpected combinations, so I will surely be treasuring this ring forever!

To purchase your own gold Mandala ring by Satya Jewelry, or anything else that will inevitably catch your eye, be sure to stop by the site. Don’t forget to stop by Couponology on your way over there, and use our 20% off plus free shipping code to save on your order at Satya Jewelry!


Robb Vices: ‘En Fuego’ Edition

On May 8, 2017, in News, by Couponology

I recently received a Robb Vices curated subscription box. If you don’t already know about Robb Vices, they are a subscription box company that partners with awesome brands to deliver subscribers a unique set of items every month. The March box, titled the En Fuego edition, was filled with carefully selected delicacies that would appeal to anyone with a palette that can handle some spice. The box was filled with spicy items that included vodka, several hot sauces, and snacks like cheesy puffs and jerky.







One of the goodies that I really got to enjoy was the Dried Oaxaca Chiles, which I ended up using in my salsa recipe. They had a deep smoky flavor and medium heat, and were used in conjunction with jalapenos to add a richness that was missing from the salsa. While the Chiles made for a perfect addition to a great salsa, I could see them being utilized to season meats as well.

The Cilanktro Hot Sauce was another favorite. It had a buttery, smooth texture and nicely balanced spice to it. It would be a great substitute for your go-to hot sauce, and was even excellent on my pizza! The cilantro in it was not prominent, but added a nice complexity to the flavor. I found the sauce to be vinegary (in a good way), and could see it working with salads or as an additive for other sauce bases.


One of the more unique items for me was the Hott Jolokia by NW Elixers. It was very, very sweet & yet somehow even spicier than it was sweet. It had a nice smokiness backed up by some staple spices like coriander and ginger. The pineapple taste didn’t come through very much, but was most likely there to bolster the sweetness. It is definitely not for everyone, perhaps geared towards Capsaicin lovers. I’d recommend using small amounts to add heat and sweetness to other sauces like salsas, marinades, dressing, and maybe even pasta sauce.


The Sriracha Cheddar flavored Serious Cheesy Puffs make a great drinking snack. They had a classic semi-sweet Sriracha flavor with the all-too-familiar cheddar cheese doodle vibes. I will warn you that these puffs are highly addictive, and can be enjoyed by those who usually avoid spicy foods. I’d honestly recommend them to any cheese doodle lover.


Overall, the box was amazing and could potentially serve as a great gift. I found this one in particular to be a great selection for anyone with a culinary prowess, or who just loves being exposed to and trying new things. If you’re interested in snagging a subscription of your own, be sure to head over to Robb Vices & get started with $6 off a 3 month subscription plan.

*Special thanks to guest blogger Justin Rivera for this awesome review!