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Cheryl’s Cutie Cookie Cards

On February 7, 2013, in News, by Couponology

This year, I’m on a mission to change how people feel about Valentine’s Day. If you’re excitedly crossing days off your calendar in anticipation of the 14th, consider yourself spared. I’m more interested in tackling the folks who dread this day and crumble under all its social pressures and expectations. As much as Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, it is also a celebration of breaking the norm. In his day (a long, long time ago) Saint Valentine was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers and Christians, both of which were forbidden practices at the time. So as much as you’re tempted to spend an entire paycheck on a V-day gesture (a temptation you may want to succumb to if there’s a worthy special someone in your life), there are plenty of other, simpler ways to show you care. This morning, I received a package of Valentine’s Day cookies from Cheryl’s—a company specializing in gourmet sweets like cookies and chocolates, which come in bouquets, boxes, and super-cute themed packaging. I spent the day snacking on decadently delicious cookie cards, (which are only $5) and deciding who I would give them to as little “I Love You” tokens. The age-old adage says that it’s the thought that counts, and this sweet little thought is bound to melt some hearts! Happy snacking Valentines!


2 Responses to Cheryl’s Cutie Cookie Cards

  1. Alina F says:

    So cute! i’m snagging some, and thnks for the brief history always wondered but never bothered to look it up

  2. Kristen says:

    the simplest things tend to be the sweetest.. bummer I missed these for vday, good thing for bdays!

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