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Couponology Corner Saves Again!

On April 12, 2012, in Couponology Corner, by Tom Herrmann

Like most thing these days, “Couponology Corner” has a sequel. Unlike most sequels, this one lived up to the original!

Back by popular demand: we unveiled three new ways to save on our PIX11 “Morning News” segment. Our own Krystal Cordova delivered the deals for Griffin Technology, Vision Direct and CCS on this week’s “Couponology Corner”.


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Tactics Coupons for Action-Sports!

On February 21, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

If you’re a long time follower of our fine blog, you know that we’ve already had Tactics on here. Not as a Featured Merchant or DotW; long before those categories were even put in place. Unfortunately, we lost quite a few posts a few months back. Newer readers deserve to know about Tactics, just like anybody else.

The action-sports brand comes has risen to the top of the top of their field, all the way from working out of a garage. Since then, they have never wavered from, what they call their “ six key operating principles:”

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