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Ghirardelli Coupon Codes

On April 16, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Couponology

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Sometimes, you have a bad day. Then other times, the Ghirardelli fairy sweeps in and makes it all better. Now of course this isn’t a typical case (she’s obviously very busy this time of year and can’t get to everyone), but let me just start this off by saying that I am about 99.67% positive that I have the biggest sweet tooth of anyone I have ever come in contact with.

This includes my grandmother, whose idea of a good, wholesome lunch is a root beer float and a Klondike bar. I would personally prefer to have chocolate over anything with substantial nutritional value, but apparently that type of behavior is frowned upon by all medical professionals.

That being said, I like to believe that I have very high standards when it comes to indulgence due to my solid blood line of sugar addicts. In particular, there has always been a go-to brand when I need to get my fix for the day, and that’s Ghirardelli.

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