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DotW – EXCLUSIVE Eastbay Promo Codes

On March 12, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

Have you looked outside lately?! I know I posted about how nice it’s been in those garden blogs I did last week, but now it’s getting serious. It’s getting to the 70′s this week; it doesn’t get much better than that.

There hasn’t even been a real winter yet, and we’re already getting spring! At least in NY, I hope it’s been just as nice wherever you spent your weekend. So shut down your computer and head outside – once you’re done shopping with Couponology, of course.

The last purchase you make before you should embrace the wild outdoors is Eastbay. Don’t forget about the Deal of the Week when you make your purchase, because it will save you $15 to $20. Your discount will depend on how much you spend: orders of $75 will get $15 off, and orders of $120 will get $20 off.

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