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Couponology at CJU2012 in Santa Barbara

On September 14, 2012, in Events, News, by Couponology

Couponology ventured out to California’s Santa Barbara this week for a three-day Commission Junction University conference for marketers, affiliates and media partners. It was more exciting than it sounds, we promise!

We didn’t forget the deals! Some savings along with our featured pictures:



Ghirardelli Coupon Codes

On April 16, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Couponology

via Couponology Instagram

Sometimes, you have a bad day. Then other times, the Ghirardelli fairy sweeps in and makes it all better. Now of course this isn’t a typical case (she’s obviously very busy this time of year and can’t get to everyone), but let me just start this off by saying that I am about 99.67% positive that I have the biggest sweet tooth of anyone I have ever come in contact with.

This includes my grandmother, whose idea of a good, wholesome lunch is a root beer float and a Klondike bar. I would personally prefer to have chocolate over anything with substantial nutritional value, but apparently that type of behavior is frowned upon by all medical professionals.

That being said, I like to believe that I have very high standards when it comes to indulgence due to my solid blood line of sugar addicts. In particular, there has always been a go-to brand when I need to get my fix for the day, and that’s Ghirardelli.

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