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Eyes are undeniably the most honest parts of our faces (if not the most beautiful), and since they so effortlessly transfer feelings and emotions—a pretty huge task—we should be paying the utmost attention to their care. This time, I’m not just talking about beauty; rather, I’m referring to health and comfort. After all, healthy, gleaming eyes are so often the first thing people notice in a stranger!  I always pay attention to the eyes first, and I know that if you have a problem with your eyesight, in my case myopia, you’re encountering a number of difficulties. For example, you may love sunglasses but they’re usually just an expression of your style or protection against the harsh summer sun. Clear vision, however, is something you need regardless of whether or not you’re feeling fashion-forward on your daily sunny stroll. Wearing eyeglasses all day long can be very annoying for a number of reasons: you can’t watch TV while having your head turned to the side, you can’t put on makeup and properly show it off, you can’t match them with your outfits, you can’t exercise conveniently, and blah-blah-blah… The list is endless, but the point is only one—the most convenient way to see clearly is to get contact lenses.

You may think contact lenses are an expensive and potentially irritating alternative to eyeglasses, but with the right advice, you’re in good hands! I’ve worn contact lenses for years, and know that for the best experience, you must follow these steps:

  • Clean your contact lenses with solution, rinse, and store in fresh solution in your lens case.
  • Get a new pair when it’s time to do so.
  • Go with a trusted contact lens brand and provider.

I follow these steps diligently and have never ended up with red and itchy eyes. Moreover, I guarantee that you don’t have to spend a fortune to get the best for your beautiful eyes, especially if you shop at 1800AnyLens, as I do, and use our unbeatable exclusive 23% off 1800AnyLens coupon code.

Aside from the deal, 1800AnyLens carries products by the top eye care brands on the market to make you forget your affinity for eyeglasses. I’m using Acuvue Oasys for a long time now, and I promise that if you get a pair like this you’ll completely forget you’re wearing contact lenses (and this is coming from someone who sleeps less than 6 hours a day and spends 10 in front of a computer screen). So you see? It’s all about quality! I also have a box of 1-Day Acuvue 30-pack in my drawer—there’s nothing more convenient than getting your contact lenses off and throwing them away instead of cleaning them and counting days. I use these when I travel or (admittedly) have particularly lazy days. These two are just my personal favorites, but if you get online you’ll find many other popular and trustworthy brands and products to resolve your particular eye issue (from myopia and astigmatism to presbyopia) and fit your particular lifestyle.

In short, 1800AnyLens is the only site you need to visit to stop being afraid or indecisive about contact lenses. You won’t be walking around with irritated peepers, and you absolutely won’t be spending a fortune to see clearly with Couponology’s exclusive 1800AnyLens deals. You know the place, the savings, and my personal experiences, so all that’s left is to head online and save—just remember to follow instructions!

Deals You Have to See to Believe!

On January 4, 2013, in News, by Couponology

We often hear that the eyes are the mirror of the soul reflecting our thoughts and feelings, and that’s all fine and dandy when you’re feeling happy. But what about those days you’re feeling blue and miserable? It’s up to you to practically look after you own “soul mirror” but no fear, you’re not alone. Vision Direct experts are here for you with all the latest advancements in contact lenses to make sure all eyes are on you even if you aren’t feeling your very best!

If you are a frequent user of contact lenses, you know that those babies should be cleaned thoroughly each time before their application, and be replaced often. For that reason, I personally prefer monthly lenses over yearly ones simply for the fact that they’re more hygienic and safe. With that in mind, daily replacement lenses are the healthiest option: you wear them and simply throw them away at the end of the day. They’re the best choice to avoid common eye infections from extended wear, plus they save you the hassle of the oh-so-necessary (but also quite annoying) daily care. To avoid dryness, you should consider a product with extra moisture like the 1-Day Acuvue Moist 90 Pk Contact Lens, featuring a rich moisturizing ingredient that locks in the contacts for a fresh-lens feeling all day long. This pack will last for half a year and it’s an excellent choice to get started especially if you’re a new Vision Direct customer (hello, 25% Off Vision Direct Coupon Code)!

On the other hand, if you’re not particularly meticulous with regularly caring for your precious peepers’ lenses, you should consider lenses that can be worn day and night. I’m talking about the Air Optix Night & Day Aqua Contact Lenses that offer extra oxygen due to the AQUA moisture system.

Even if your vision is perfect there are still ways to enhance it. Instead of changing your hair or makeup, consider changing the color of your eyes! Blue, Amethyst, Gemstone Green, Pure Hazel and Sterling Grey are only some of the choices you have with FreshLook ColorBlends Contact Lenses. Their patented color technology is designed to blend with your own eye color (whether it’s dark or light) to give a little boost to your natural beauty. However, brighter eyes need color enhancers like the FreshLook Dimensions which will slightly enhance the natural color of your eyes into Pacific Blue, Sea Green and Caribbean Aqua while their outer starburst pattern will give you bigger and more defined eyes. Whichever option you choose you can get an extra 15% off any lenses with Couponology’s 15% Off VisionDirect Promo Code.

Now for you who have your eyes in the back of your head, make sure you don’t miss the latest advancement in contact lenses: the gas permeable Boston ES Contact Lenses by Bausch and Lomb, lenses in Green, Gray or Ice Blue that offer an excellent visual performance as their patented oxygen permeable material allows your eyes to “breathe”.

As we said before, Vision Direct comes with a great variety of options to choose from and if those aren’t enough then consider their unique just-for-fun lenses. Looking for the biggest impact? Then you will be amazed from an array of playful, scary, intimidating and original color patterned contacts ideal for Halloween (or any) parties or theatrical productions! We have picked Anime Silent Destruction Contact Lenses for you to leave all the other choices to your own taste and liking! Just use 10% Off Vision Direct Coupon Code and get crazy styles for the whole company!

Unlike other optical stores, Vision Direct specializes in contact lenses, and our exclusive deals ensure guaranteed low prices for your eyes and your eyes only. However, it is true that sometimes you have to see for yourself to believe Vision Direct’s amazing deals so head over to and get believin’!
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