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Ghirardelli Coupon Codes

On April 16, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Couponology

via Couponology Instagram

Sometimes, you have a bad day. Then other times, the Ghirardelli fairy sweeps in and makes it all better. Now of course this isn’t a typical case (she’s obviously very busy this time of year and can’t get to everyone), but let me just start this off by saying that I am about 99.67% positive that I have the biggest sweet tooth of anyone I have ever come in contact with.

This includes my grandmother, whose idea of a good, wholesome lunch is a root beer float and a Klondike bar. I would personally prefer to have chocolate over anything with substantial nutritional value, but apparently that type of behavior is frowned upon by all medical professionals.

That being said, I like to believe that I have very high standards when it comes to indulgence due to my solid blood line of sugar addicts. In particular, there has always been a go-to brand when I need to get my fix for the day, and that’s Ghirardelli.

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Visa Gift Card Giveaway Winner!

On April 4, 2012, in Events, by Tom Herrmann

Our very first contest comes to a close, along with one of our busiest weeks. We set up the $100 Visa Gift Card contest to coincide with the debut of “Couponology Corner” on the PIX11 Morning News, and getting both done at once was hectic to say the least.

Tweet your congratulations to @Dieting_Prblms, because she takes home the prize. You can see her winning post below.

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DotW – Exclusive Promo Code

On March 19, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

There might technically be a few days left before spring, but come one, it’s here. This has been coming up more and more in our posts, because of how unusually warm it’s been, but no one is complaining on our end. It’s great seeing the sun shining and people out walking their dogs.

Who doesn’t love seeing dogs around; they’re great! Man’s best friend, and all that stuff. That saying is so cliche, but if you think about it, it’s cliche for a reason.

People have loved dogs enough, and for a long enough time to say something so endearing for so long. Show your furry friend just how much you care by buying them all their accessories and necessities form, and get 10% off with the Deal of the Week.

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Get Gardener’s Supply Co. Online Coupons

On February 22, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

Variety: it’s one of the most of the best things about Couponology. Our website hosts online coupon, promo codes and other deals from nearly a thousand different merchants. That’s a lot of different places to find discounts, and there are numerous kinds of stores that you can find.

On here, we talk a lot about apparel and accessories. It’s definitely not the only topic we go over, but if we are being honest, it seems to be the biggest trend of blogs we put out. There’s a good reason for that; are sales are the strongest for apparel and accessories.

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