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The Fun is About to Begin

On November 21, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

This is a big week for anyone in our business. This is probably the busiest time for any couponing or deals site, not to mention the fact that it’s a short week with Thanksgiving coming up. That means we have even less time to get everything set for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The two biggest shopping days of the year are coming up quick, and we have something that’s going to make your online experience as simple as it can be. The best part is, it won’t change the everyday elements of our site, but it’s a big assist on our part.

For the past few months, there has been a countdown going on over at, a subsidiary site of our. With a little over six days left on the clock, it’s about time we start to let you guys in on just what’s going on over there. When the time comes, we will reveal the full site and all the amazing deals it has on it.

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