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An Exclusive David’s Cookies Promo Code

On February 13, 2012, in Reviews, by Tom Herrmann

One of the perks of this job is the free stuff we get, just to write a review. It’s even better when the free stuff is food. I’m a pretty big fan of eating, and David’s Cookies sent us a package that suited my needs.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had the pleasure of demolishing a tin of David’s Cookies, and yes, demolishing is the only appropriate word to describe it. That little red tin to the right is packed with a variety of cookies: chocolate chip, peanut butter, white chocolate almond, oatmeal raisin, and something with a fruit in it.

I wish I could be more precise on all of them, that’s just what I think they were. Regardless, they were DELICIOUS! It was somewhat problematic, having them on the corner of my desk. I caught myself going for seconds and thirds at any point throughout the day.

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