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Shopping for a need or a wish is good, but shopping for a cause is something else. We tend to shop to satisfy our wants, our needs or even our over-consuming nature, but when we know 100% that our money will –apart from the actual product’s value- go for the support of a very great cause then it definitely worth it.  No, that’s not a confession of a shopaholic (although I might be one), that’s just me getting introduced to two great women who put their strengths together for the greater good. Blair, a breast cancer survivor, who found her inner strenght through the aid of her family but also through the priceless support of friends and people she was introduced to while getting through treatment. Blair decided to share her hard and absolutely courageous way towards a healthy life and devotes her time in supporting people with similar experiences. Mimi is the woman next door, wife and mother of three, who’s best-known as the deal-digger. Mixing Blair’s and Mimi’s experiences and expertise I’d say, we get an amazing combination; which I recenlty discovered.

So let me share this amazing discovery with you, or my latest achievement I’d say. Achievement in the sense that my endless spending habit will finally make a difference. And trust me, if you try it once, you are going to love it. So, let me introduce, Mimi’s and Blair’s “baby”, which promises (as it name suggests) to offer you the greatest time-sensitive deals for a wide variety of products but most of all to donate part of the amount you give to the Healing Consciousness Foundation. HCF, apart from helping Blair dealing with the worst of all disease, offers holistic services for women who are getting through hard times, including therapies, wellness and fitness programs and support groups. An absolutely amazing moving gesture both from the aforesaid ladies but also for the organization itself.

I can’t talk for yourself but as far as I am concerned, Mimi’s and Blair’s idea is fantastic, because their move make us also be a better person, meaning that when you know you are helping people around you and not just your – pretty huge – ego, then it obviously makes a difference. After all, you are not a lonely over-consuming person in this world so you owe it to be gentle and thoughtful to others and these ladies give us a lesson for that exact matter. And let’s be honest, you don’t have to change any of your habits, you just need to be aware of a few but undoubtedly important things and consciously make a move towards the common good.



Now, I’m going to show you how I moved towards my latest step in supporting a greatest cause. So, I just came back from a long vacation and from the very first moment I stepped into my home, I realized that my to-do list is ready to explode, and since I always make new plans after a big break, I decided that my magnetic board has no space for more magnets, my personal but also my business Moleskine looks like a huge smudge, not to mention that the pack of post-it notes looks like an old papyrus from the time they spent on my desk. And… as I was browsing for a new possession (that’s another “problem” I have when making plans: shop new stuff, as if the suitcases were not full enough), I came up with the greatest of all ideas, when it comes to planning: a 6ft chalkboard decal. There is no better way to remember all of your pending tasks than having them in front of you on the wall. Also, it’s pretty nice to get an 80% off discount that will allow you to put a second thing in your cart too. But most of all, getting this organization-gem from will allow you to start supporting HCF!

Last but not least, October is breast cancer awareness month but keep in mind that any month is the perfect month to support breast cancer awareness. Don’t waste any more time, get online and be the good person you always wanted to be!

A New Look for the Couponology Office

On March 27, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

The pretty PacSun girl moved to the other side of the office (I miss her), and now our walls are decked with social media icons and merchant logos. We’re sprucing up the place, partly because it makes the place more fun, and mostly because we’re the hot new thing in town and Pix11 wants a piece of us.

There are camera rolling all around our office to get some footage for our TV spot on the Pix11 Morning News, this Thursday at 8 am. Don’t forget to tune in to their new segment Couponology Corner, where we’ll be showing off some of our best merchants and online coupons.

Over to the left we have company President, John Daskalis, mounting some of our more clever Twitter posters. Check out the rest of what’s going on in the pictures below; it’s cool stuff.

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Brandishing Our Brands!

On January 31, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

We don’t exactly have an attention grabbing decor in the office. Some bare walls, white tile and that’s about it. It’s fine; an office doesn’t need or top-notch interior design. What really matters is that we keep bringing you the best coupons from the best brands.

Those best brands could be the simple solution to our bland, business headquarters. PacSun just sent us a HUGE poster that will definitely add a little flavor to our cream-colored walls. This isn’t the only one we’re expecting either. Hopefully, we’ll be getting more and more posters to brandish our brands. 

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