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DotW – Exclusive Promo Code

On March 19, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

There might technically be a few days left before spring, but come one, it’s here. This has been coming up more and more in our posts, because of how unusually warm it’s been, but no one is complaining on our end. It’s great seeing the sun shining and people out walking their dogs.

Who doesn’t love seeing dogs around; they’re great! Man’s best friend, and all that stuff. That saying is so cliche, but if you think about it, it’s cliche for a reason.

People have loved dogs enough, and for a long enough time to say something so endearing for so long. Show your furry friend just how much you care by buying them all their accessories and necessities form, and get 10% off with the Deal of the Week.

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DotW #6 – Coupon Codes

On February 19, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

Who doesn’t love dogs? They’re the best! There’s no other pet that people connect with quite like they do with dogs. The old adage about dogs being man’s best friend is cliche, but very accurate.

This week’s Deal of the Week celebrates all of our furry friends. is a website dedicated to all the needs and wants of canines, and we here at Couponology want to share out coupon code for 5% off your entire order.

It might seem small, but 5% can have a big effect on your order. Not to mention, the site already has so many sales going on for all of it’s outstanding pet products, you won’t be racking up too much of a bill.

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