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And here comes the day that we are all celebrating our mom! She is precious for every and each one of us and she is absolutely unique in her kids’ eyes. That woman needs nothing more than your love. And we all know that it’s impossible to give her back all she’s doing for us. But, we can show her just a bit of our endless love by offering her something unique. Something that can accompany her every day, and will keep on reminding her that nothing usual or ordinary could match her place on our hearts! In other words, if you want to get your mommy a gift you should make her a unique personalized one, a gift that she’ll love, not only because of the actual product but because it will make her think of you! And for that very reason, this year I’ll get my mom a gift from Exposures. Or maybe more, since the prices are so attractive that it makes it the least that matters. The only problem is the variety that will make you spend hours on it. :)

exp1So, this year, I decided to get my mom three gifts that are associated with her top three habits. The first one, is a photo mug since I know that she is even more caffeine addicted than I am, and I’m sure she’ll make the most out of it. I was thinking to print mine, my bro’s and sis’ face on it but I’m not sure, I might print a family photo instead. You know, with all her grandchildren, daddy, us and our countless pets, so that I make it more extravagant and inclusive. She’s a “mom” to us all anyway.


The second one, is something that she will hold in her hands 24/7, as my mom is so into her phone – I tell you, it rings at least 100 times a day. Yes, this same phone that she uses to call me 10 times a day just to check that I’m fine (oh! I love her). So, I’ll get her a personalized iPhone case, but no, I won’t add my #selfie on it, I don’t want her to look so obsessed with us – even if she is! I’ll print her favorite leaf on it, which is the maple one (big story behind that). I guess that will look more grown-up and a bit more appropriate for a mama. Ha-ha!

exp3And last but not least, as my mom’s (and mine as well) favorite place on earth is anywhere by the sea and since she goes swimming all year round, I couldn’t think of anything better than the Beach House tote. She will absolutely use it, she loves the colors of the sea and the beach and she will also be able to think of our summer house all year long. Now, the best part is that I will get all of the above, without spending a fortune but also by using the free shipping promo code that will save me even more!

All in all, my point here is not that you have to get your mom the same gifts (although i’m absolutely fine with this ha-ha), but that in order to make her feel as special as she deserves to feel, you have to think of her favorite things and create unique gifts for her from Trust me, there is nothing better than knowing that someone spend some time on your gift than just getting you a mass-produced one. And also, there is nothing better than making someone happy while you save big time!