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A New Look for the Couponology Office

On March 27, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

The pretty PacSun girl moved to the other side of the office (I miss her), and now our walls are decked with social media icons and merchant logos. We’re sprucing up the place, partly because it makes the place more fun, and mostly because we’re the hot new thing in town and Pix11 wants a piece of us.

There are camera rolling all around our office to get some footage for our TV spot on the Pix11 Morning News, this Thursday at 8 am. Don’t forget to tune in to their new segment Couponology Corner, where we’ll be showing off some of our best merchants and online coupons.

Over to the left we have company President, John Daskalis, mounting some of our more clever Twitter posters. Check out the rest of what’s going on in the pictures below; it’s cool stuff.

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You “Like” Us, You Really “Like” Us!

On August 2, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

Just launched our new Facebook Fan Page; not a monumental step, but another towards the new site’s launch. The page will offer the same style deal posts that the old fan page did, but with the new Couponology name.

Head over and “like” it if you want to get Facebook notifications on select deals and coupons. Don’t forget to follow our Twitter if you haven’t already, where you can also find outstanding savings.

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