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In Love With Fashion-You Bet!

On September 18, 2013, in Deal of the Week, Featured Merchants, by nbourma

Let’s play a game. When I “say” a word you “say” the first thing that comes to your mind. But because of the current circumstances, I’ll play both roles- you can try that at home too, it’s safe. But you have to be as quick as possible- we don’t want extrinsic factors to affect your answer. Ready? Let’s go!

New- Season. Do- Shopping. Women- Hot. Style- Originality. Fall- New Wardrobe. Clothes- Obsession. Accessories- Prerequisite. Fashion- Art. Online- Checkout. Save- Big. In Love- With Fashion.

Yes, it might sound very James Bond-like but if you play that game too, you’ll probably come up with the same outcome: In Love with Fashion; a way of life that turned into the hottest online store for women that respect their image, style and wallet of course! And since we are already approaching the new season- Fashion Week reports all over the world are buzzing the media and our favorite fashion magazines- all a woman needs is to get the hottest AW 2013 trends. Easy enough. We get online and get them all while saving big with the Couponology exclusive 25% off InLoveWithFashion promo code. And now, let the special shopping mission begin! A mission we (women) are way too good to get it accomplished!

jumpsuitsFirst off, the jumpsuit is here to stay. It came into the fashion spotlight a couple of seasons ago but it’s still on the top items for the new season to come. How I see that? Amazing! A jumpsuit can make your life so much easier because it’s a one-piece outfit that doesn’t allow for styling mistakes and it will definitely save you from the fashion police penalty. You get it, add some accessories and a pair of shoes and you are all set! My favorites? Sleeveless for sure, and strapless even better. A jumpsuit covers too much to allow for long sleeves or high necks and still make you look feminine. To the point! You can get the Love Forest Green Jersey Cross Over Bust Jumpsuit or the Blue Love Cobalt Strapless Jumpsuit which can be worn day or night, depending on the shoes and bag you add. Both of them come in other colors too, so you should go for the ones that flatter you the most, I chose green and blue for that reason.


Another trend that first appeared last year, but won’t leave the catwalk until next spring (at least) is the cropped tops one. I loved this trend and honored it a lot this summer (we work out all year long for God’s sake) and I’m surely gonna do the same this fall too. Apart for the whole show-off issue that we might have, high waisted trousers and dresses are also absolutely in fashion and we already know that you can’t wear a long top with a high waisted bottom. Also, keep in mind that cropped tees are sort of a trick, because they always make your beautiful legs look longer. So, why don’t you try too to get the super cute Love Blush Fluffy V-neck Cropped Tee or the Love Cobalt Fluffy Cropped Knit? Caution! They do the same job as usual knits, but (!) they save space and it’s easier to get the matched than any other length of knit. Be it with shorts, playsuit, dress, jeans –high or low waisted- with a cropped tee you’ll get the perfect fall outfit!

ilwfLastly, as far as footwear is concerned, suede and platforms is the next big thing! No matter what’s the height, the design or anything, just choose a neutral or dark color and you’ll definitely walk the walk in style! Starting with my top pick, I’d propose the ILWF Nude Suede Platform Shoe which can be worn with everything! Also, because of its design it promises maximum comfort and foot support- no way to get tired in that shoe. Or if you want something more wintery, you can try the ILWF Black Suede Cross Strap Wedge with a 13cm heel. But careful! You don’t have much time to think about it, you either trust what you are reading or you lose it- they are so good, they disappear in a blink of an eye!

Let’s go back to our game now… Style- Forever. Trends- Got them. Wallet- Full. Mission- Complete. Adios!