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I’m NOT a Survivor, but My iPhone Case Is!

On April 5, 2012, in News, by John Daskalis

My son has been driving me crazy to take him and his friend’s paintballing for the longest time.  For the last couple of months I had been dodging the proverbial “paintball” by offering up other exciting activities, like tickets to a NY Knicks game or ATVing.

Unfortunately, I ran out of excuses when he was invited to a Paintball Party by my good friend’s son.  What made matters worse is that I was volunteered to chaperone along with a couple of other dads.

When we arrived at the facility, the staff split us up into three teams and each parent was assigned a platoon of kids to lead.  For my son’s sake, I didn’t want to show my reluctance so I put on my best ‘Rambo’ face and headed out into the trenches.

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Get Gardener’s Supply Co. Online Coupons

On February 22, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

Variety: it’s one of the most of the best things about Couponology. Our website hosts online coupon, promo codes and other deals from nearly a thousand different merchants. That’s a lot of different places to find discounts, and there are numerous kinds of stores that you can find.

On here, we talk a lot about apparel and accessories. It’s definitely not the only topic we go over, but if we are being honest, it seems to be the biggest trend of blogs we put out. There’s a good reason for that; are sales are the strongest for apparel and accessories.

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Tactics Coupons for Action-Sports!

On February 21, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

If you’re a long time follower of our fine blog, you know that we’ve already had Tactics on here. Not as a Featured Merchant or DotW; long before those categories were even put in place. Unfortunately, we lost quite a few posts a few months back. Newer readers deserve to know about Tactics, just like anybody else.

The action-sports brand comes has risen to the top of the top of their field, all the way from working out of a garage. Since then, they have never wavered from, what they call their “ six key operating principles:”

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