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DotW – Coupon Code

On March 4, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

It hasn’t been long since our last blog about gardening supplies, but hey, it’s the season to get everything ready. Just step outside and find out for yourself! It’s undeniable that the winter has been warmer than usual, and it seems like we will be getting into the spring season faster than we usually would.

You can’t let mother nature get ahead of you. Your garden needs to be ready for when the flowers start to bloom. To do that, you’ll need to have all the right equipment, and that’s where this Deal of the Week comes in.

The DotW will help you get everything you need to work your green thumb’s magic to it’s greatest potential. For our fantastic merchant,, you can take $10 off any order of $99 or more!

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