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Did you miss us? I know the PIX11 Morning News audience did. That’s why, this week, we came back for another “Couponology Corner” segment with gift ideas and a giveaway for Father’s Day.

Dad does so much for you, and now it’s time for you to take a little time out for him. With the help of us, PIX11 and brands like Red Envelope, Foot Locker, Ashford and Golf Smith, you can get something for whatever kind of father you have. Check out the excerpt from

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Deals for Dad this Father’s Day.

On June 4, 2012, in Couponology Corner, by Tom Herrmann

After taking an extra week off, “Couponology Corner” will be airing this Thursday, June 7th. We’ll be bringing the PIX11 viewers great deals on what to get Dad this Father’s Day.

This week there will be a variety of more manly products on the stage with our star couponologist, Krystal Cordova and PIX11′s Frances Rivera.  There’s no fun in watching if you know what’s going to happen, so you’ll have to watch the show (Thurs, 06/07, 8/8:30 am) to find out specific gift ideas.

Lucky for you, that doesn’t mean we can’t give you a bit of a teaser. Here is some background information on the complete merchant list that will be featured on the Father’s Day episode!

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