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Happy Holidays!!!

On December 26, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

It’s the day after Christmas, the first day of Kwanzaa, just over half way through Hanukkah, and a few days until New Year’s Eve; so happy everything and everything! We here at Couponology had a blast for our holidays party, last Thursday – luckily followed by a day off on Friday.

Me making a weird face; Krystal excited

The next blog entry we have will be loaded with details and pics, but for now, just use your imagination. We had a great time: exchanging gifts for Secret Santa, followed by a day of “work” and a night out to dinner and drinks. Our little get together was about fifteen people or so, but small a get-together is always nice. A nice setting for all of our coworkers and friends to relax. Plus, make weird faces at our delicious food! (see pic to the left)

All of us here hope that your holiday has gone, is going, or will go well. Don’t forget to check us out for all the post-Christmas sales going on this week. Now is one of the best times to shop because of all those deals! If you didn’t get that one thing you want, maybe that check from your grandma can help you out a little bit, you know, along with our online coupons!