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More Money Saving For Mother’s Day

On May 3, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

Usually there’s a week between our PIX11 Morning News appearances, but you don’t have to wait another seven days to get a new set of savings. This week’s show is part two of Mother’s Day deals, and all of the coupons will take huge amounts off perfect gifts for Mom.

Couponology Corner” got started with our own Krystal Cordova, and PIX11 anchor, Francis Rivera on stage with some of the fabulous products we recommend. For this week’s segment, we featured, Harry and David, and Elizabeth Arden.

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Those of you who are familiar with our website should know a little about Harry and David by now. The frequenters of our Best Online Coupons & Promo Codes section are one of the
best places to get gifts online.

When I was doing some research on this gift-giving online shop, I found a great article on
Squidoo called “Harry and David Coupons“. I was going to use it to give some substance to my vendor bio, but it already did all the work for me. 

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