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“Wait wait, somebody is on the door, give me a sec to open!” BOOM! “Hello? Are you still there? My cell just fell on the floor”! 

“Hold on, let me find it in my bag! Oh come on, where is it? I can hear it ringing!” The phone stopped ringing and “Oh great! I missed the call and just scratched it with my rings!”

“No baby, no that’s not a toy, that’s auntie’s tablet!” BANG! “Gosh! Look at the scratches now!”

“I’m so bored of my phone, I wanna get a new one soon!”

Do you feel like I got these scenarios from your everyday life? It could be so! They are part of mine for sure! I’m so clumsy that I’m constantly throwing my phone and my tablet on the floor, I search for them in my bag (I could also call it a suitcase) without any success and I run after my nephew who steadily wants to makes his farm bigger on my iPad (yes, this app has put my tablet on danger many times). And the greatest of all, my phone runs out of battery when I use it as a navigator while driving! And of course, it was always my fault that I was going through these situations! But I don’t anymore! Now I’m fully equipped with all I need to protect my most valuable devices; my phone and my tablet! After all, we are so used to them that we value them high! So let me share, step by step how I made my life easier, so that you can do it too!


The first and most important step was to get online at; where I could find the greatest variety of top quality cases and accessories but also the most stylish ones too. Because I need protection as I need style. So, first off, I decide to stop worrying about the boring look of my phone.  So I bought the soft silicone case FlexGrip Punch for iPhone 5 which is very convenient for holding and because of the way it wraps the front part, it protects your screen too when you throw it on the table! Also, for the days that I’m more cheerful I bought the tiger case from the Animal Parade Case Series which is so funny it can easily make your day even when you get your phone on your hands to click on snooze at 7am! Yes really! You wouldn’t want to harm this cute tiger! So, it’s a trick too, so that you never throw your phone again in the drawer to avoid getting up! Finally, when I know that kids are coming along or when I’m going to the gym and know for sure that I’ll send a million texts while walking on the treadmill, making the possibilities of my phone falling on the floor countless, I got something for tougher situations! The the tough Survivor Custom Case for iPhone 5, which can be completely customized! And since, obviously, my shopping plans were big, I wouldn’t be able to get all these – and the ones that follow- without some extra help. So I used the Couponology exclusive 15% off Griffin Technology promo code that saved me much, and most of all my new phone!

Then, for those totally disturbing moments when you really need your phone or your tablet on and you realize that you have only 8% off battery, plus hearing this nerve racking beep, I got you the solution! Just buy the PowerJolt for iPad, iPhone and iPod with detachable lighting cable that is both a space and an energy saver! Now, you’ll never need to worry again about losing your way or missing that important call or email! And since we are talking about cars, don’t forget to have a look at Griffin earbuds’ collections that range from unique and serious (like the WoodTones earbuds) to funny and childish (like the adorable Crayola MyPhones earbuds) ones. Finally, before going to the checkout, I couldn’t but get some style and protection for my tablet too. And that’s what I did! I bought the Outfit Ice case in orchid color with a matte finish, which is super- slim and stylish and protects my iPad from spots and scratches! However, if you are the clumsiest of us all, you should definitely go for the toughest of all cases, the Survivor Custom Case which will protect your iPad from the worst case scenarios- rain, dust, drops and even your 3-years-old nephew! And again, don’t forget to use our exclusive code to save big time!

To sum up, Griffin has the best collection of cases and accessories for your smartphone, your tablet or your laptop at the greatest prices, that get even better with the frequently provides promo codes from
So don’t risk it anymore, shop whatever suits your needs and style to adorn or protect your devices with the aid of the experts!