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We’re Ready for Our Close-Up

On December 12, 2011, in Couponology Corner, by Tom Herrmann

Today is a big day for Couponology. Yes, it’s Green Monday, the day anticipated to be the biggest online shopping day of the year. Even though we’re expecting more customers than the swarms we saw on Cyber Monday, today is much more significant than a popular day to shop.

Marina Daskalis and Aida Rodriguez

For those of you following our Twitter and Facebook, you know that we were on the PIX11 Morning News this morning! That’s right, everyone tuning into the New York local news this morning saw, company founders, Marina Daskalis and Aida Rodriguez, show everyone some of the best deals we have going on RIGHT NOW! You can watch the video here.

After a brief introduction about the recent trends in couponing, the first ladies of Couponology got right to business. “ is the science of smart shopping. We offer the best coupons, promo codes, and free shipping deals,” said Marina, not wasting any time getting to the point. The two then put five of the best holiday items on display for the viewers at home; all of which were accompanied by an awesome online deal.

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