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Triple Your Chances to Win Our Rosetta Stone Giveaway

On August 22, 2012, in News, by Couponology


Rosetta Stone Version 4 TOTALe Package (Winner picks language)

Rosetta Stone Version 4 TOTALe Package (Winner picks language)

To honor our upcoming announcement of the winner of Rosetta Stone Version 4 TOTALe language learning software package, (try saying that five times fast!) we’re giving entrants a last-minute chance to double or triple their chances. To be eligible, you must sign up for our weekly email newsletter on our homepage. We promise to keep your email address to ourselves.

To increase your chances, share this post with your friends on Facebook or retweet this tweet on Twitter. We’ll enter your name one extra time for every share (Facebook or Twitter) for a maximum of three chances to win.

My personal favorite feature of this Rosetta Stone package is the ability to schedule a live tutoring session with native speakers on your schedule, but there are tons of other gems in this giveaway goodie. Winner will be selected Thursday, August 22nd and pick one language of choice. Best of luck Couponers and hasta la vista!

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