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The bi-annual Spa Week event is right around the corner and we’re here with all the scoop to make sure you get the most out of your relaxing rendezvous! Starting Monday, October 15th until Sunday October 21st more than 5,000 spas and wellness facilities around North America will be offering their most exclusive treatments for just $50. Now’s the time for your all-too-overdue “me time” as these treatments are often a steep discount from year-round prices, but if you just have to postpone, we’re offering a coupon code for $5 off any $50 spa gift card. You can head over to the SpaWeek website to check out participating spas near you and call to book an appointment. Plan a girls’ day with the lovely ladies in your life and enjoy a rejuvenating mask, treatment, or massage at a local salon without breaking the bank (just remember to tip as a percentage of the treatment’s regular cost)! This year, Spa Week is focusing on consistent well-being rather than an escape, emphasizing the importance of stress and pain management, weight loss and maintenance, mind-body balance and total fitness. We’d love it if pampering yourself were a requirement but this bi-annual event may be the next best thing. After all, your body is your temple, and what’s a temple without some upkeep?

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