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Twitter T’s

On December 27, 2011, in News, by Tom Herrmann

We here at Couponology love a good deal. If that wasn’t obvious, it should go without saying that the best deals are free. If someone asks you if you want something, there’s pretty much a 50/50 of you wanting it. Toss in that it’s free and the pendulum sways heavily to the wanting it side.

As a holiday gift from Twitter, or maybe as a reward for my marvelous tweets, Twitter sent us at Couponology a free t-shirt. Coming out on top of the raffle, appropriately enough, was me. Now when people ask me what I do for a living, I can just look down. You know, if I want to be really ostentatious.

Seriously though, our relationship with Twitter is growing, and quite well. If you don’t already, follow us @Couponology. You’ll get all the best coupons we have to offer, for all of our best vendors.

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