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ReUseIt & Save the Environment

On September 20, 2013, in Featured Merchants, News, Spotlight, by nbourma

Over-consumption might be well satisfying our inclination towards spending-shopping-wasting or even our smugness but in most cases, our ego neglects the environment’s needs and threatens not only the external factors we might think of, but also our very own selves. Be it the lack of awareness or just our ignorance towards the environment in favor of materialism, we tend to forget that apart from our homes and everything in it, it’s mostly the environment that keeps us going on. And if we continue acting only according to our shopaholism and wastefulness, then we’ll reach that point when we won’t be able to do anything to protect nature.


This whole introduction is not to make you feel sorry, but to remind to myself too, how wasteful I used to be –not only in terms of actual dollars, but also in terms of actual waste. Because, when me and by hubby decided to turn “green”, it was at that moment that we realized that our garbage volume was diminished to more than half off what it used to be. In fact, we realized that there are countless everyday products we are using that don’t have to be thrown away but be used again and again. And after some research, we found out that we can turn our whole household green by just shopping at where every single product provided is according to high environmental standards and values. And as for me, I can still satisfy my over-consumerism habit without affecting neither the environment, nor our wallet thanks to the Couponology exclusive 15% off ReUseIt promo code and much more other deals available at the most environmental-friendly online store.


And to be honest, it’s so easy to turn your sweet home to a sweet eco-friendly one that once you do it, you’ll love it. You’ll save so much time, money and energy (just think of all these litter bags you carry) that you’d never go back to your careless behavior. Let me share some of the things we did at the beginning of our eco-plans. First off, one of the most important and simplest one was to buy reusable bags. There is no need to use plastic or even paper bags that will be destroyed from the very first use and they are not even biodegradable. It’s much more convenient to buy bags like the BlueAvocado Chil Clutch Insulated Reusable Bag or the ChicoBag Nature Collection Vita Reusable Shopping Bag that can be used for any kind of shopping and apart from eco-friendly, they look so much better than the usual plastic bags- I’m sure women know exactly what I mean!

Another absolutely wasteful routine you can change in a blink of an eye is your napkins. During a usual day, you might catch yourself throwing away a great number of them. There are even studies showing that an average person in the States uses around 6 per day. Now, make some calculations and think of the garbage that threatens the environment- napkins can’t even be recycled, it’s raw waste. Given the fact that most of us have a washing machine at home, isn’t it a shame not to use reusable napkins? They are more convenient, healthy and much more beautiful. So, why don’t you try too, the ReUseIt Hemp & Organic Cotton Napkin “I’m Not A Paper Towel” which comes in set of 4 for less than $9 or the Organic Cotton Napkins for Kids by Fabkins which are so cute and your kids will definitely love them- I do too!


Now, just thing of the number of electronic devices in your house. Not the ones that are plugged in. Think of your alarm clock, your portable DVD player or just think of the devices that need a remote control- almost all in my case. And then think of the number of batteries you throw away every month or even worse the money you spend on them. The numbers can make us feel ridiculously guilty because we all know that we can use rechargeable batteries that will diminish that misuse to a very high degree. But, most of us think that chargers and these batteries are too expensive to bother; and that might be true. However, thanks to ReUseIt, you can now get the eneloop Battery Charger and Rechargeable Batteries, 4-slot with 4 AA for less than $23; and you’ll never be mad at your partner again for forgetting to buy new batteries- you’ll always have at least 4 ready to use with this device.

The steps described above were just the very initial ones for our be-responsible-plan and we have more to achieve for the time to come. You can also get online at and change your attitude towards the environment by changing every single routine from destructive to thoughtful. It’s too easy, I promise!