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He is one of the two reasons of your existence. He’s every princess’ prince and every boy’s role model. You are so in love with his style and character that you always try to find someone like him, either for a friend or a date. You can even ‘hate’ him for setting up the standards so high! He is your number one inspiration and the reason you ended up so spoiled! And so much more, I would need a whole book to talk about mine and I guess your daddy too! And for all of the above and the ones to follow you have to remind him once more how much you love him and appreciate everything he’s doing for you. Father’s Day is the perfect opportunity to get him that gift you wanted to, and make him happy! But apart from the best dad on earth, your dad is a man too; and we all know that men –be it fathers, brothers, boyfriends- are so obsessed with gadgets and techno stuff that they can even ignore your existence when they have them on their hands!

If you are a man, I’m sure you’ve already got my point for this strange men-technology relationship. If you are a woman, just remember that no, your dad won’t appreciate that much that cute teddy bear or a pink tie! No! I’ve  tried that and it didn’t work; the teddy ended up into his Labrador mouth. Yes, really! And from that moment, I decided to respect his wants and get him gifts he would really love to have! To be honest, I think that my dad is a special case, since he knows and has more gadgets and electronics than me and my siblings have all together! Also, his behavior is like he’s in his twenties- always in a good sense. But I’m sure there are countless modern and trend-following dads out there so let me give you some great gift ideas for Father’s Day together with unbelievable promo codes from Couponology that will save you big time!

First off, if you really wanna make your dad happy and his life easier you should get him the iPhone Photo Cube Printer which allows you to connect your iPhone and process your photos without a computer. An amazing gift that will not only allow your dad to print out all those photos he constantly takes of you, but also it will save him time because he won’t need to connect his iPhone to his PC again to make printouts. And luckily enough, you can now get this printer and save with the $10 off Sharper Image promo code! Then, another great gift for dad from is the Adjustable Tablet Stand. If your dad spends hours with his tablet, either to read the news, play games, talk to you on Skype or even uploading photos of you on Facebook, he will definitely love this gift. This stand allows for hands-free use of your iPad (or any tablet) even when you are lying on your bed, sofa or on whatever crazy idea you might have! Also, this stand can be folded so it won’t need much space while in storage! And the best part is that you can get this gift while saving with the $15 off Sharper Image promo code!  Hey! Wait! You are supposed to get those two for your dad first and then for you! Although, to be honest, who would resist this stand?! None!

Secondly, another store I find super cool for Father’s Day gifts is And again, my focus is on gadgets; I guess my dad influences me a lot. Has your dad ever told you “how on earth can you click on these tiny letters?” He probably has, and if not, I’m sure he’s thought of it. It’s a matter of size and gender probably, but you still can help him send texts without writing “wekk” instead of “well” or something! You can get him for example the Stylus + Pen + Laser Pointer iPad accessory that has a 3-in-one functionality and also comes with a $20 off discount. Then, to avoid these cases in which you desperately want to talk to your dad while he’s run out of battery, you should get him the TuneFlex Aux Hands Free which is super convenient since it combines charging, hands-free comfort and stand and save big with our exclusive 15% off sitewide Griffin Technology promo code. Now, you can call your dad whenever you want, even to ask him when was the first time you ate an ice-cream; yes, I’d do that! But, anyway, in any case, at Griffin Technology you’ll definitely find something useful for your daddy’s everyday life that want only make him happy but also help him have a device that doesn’t look abused; aka get him a case too!

That been said, there is no intention to suggest that all dads are the same, but that kind of dads I’m talking about are pretty much the same. So, you might not want to get any of the above for your own dad but I promise that you can get the best deals on dad friendly gifts from our endless list of merchants! Just have a look at our special Father’s Day offers and I bet you’ll enjoy shopping for your one and only dad a lot! Oh! And also, since men’s tastes and preferences are endless, and even the same dad might be similarly obsessed with gadgets as he is with gardening, music, cars, pets or all at the same time (my case), I’m sure we’ll have a similar find-the-best-gift-for-dad discussion soon enough! So, see you shortly!


EXCLUSIVE Sharper Image Promo Code

On February 6, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

We’ve talked about Brookstone on here, in the past. It was about how unique the vendor was and how we didn’t offer anything else in its field. It’s individuality stands, but now we have a new merchant in that line of retail. Our new gadget grocer is none other than the renowned Sharper Image.

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