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Tommy Hilfiger Comforter Set Winner!

On June 1, 2012, in Events, by Tom Herrmann

Our most recent contest has ended, and this fabulous Tommy Hilfiger comforter set is going to Cladine from Brooklyn, NY.  As our winner, Cladine will be getting this beautiful blanket bundle directly from Bedding Style.

Unlike our other giveaways, this one had contestants sign up for our email newsletter.  During the 05/17 episode of “Couponology Corner” the way to win was announced and our subscription list grew more than you could even imagine.

Thank to the exposure from PIX11, along with our social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and YouTube, word traveled quickly. In the hours following the show, we saw the most activity, and that included the very lucky Cladine.

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iPad Survivor Case Winner!

On April 23, 2012, in Events, by Tom Herrmann

Our most recent #couponPIX Twitter giveaway has come to a close. Just like last time, we asked you tweet us an answer to a simple question: Why are you a survivor?

We got a lot of great and inspiring answers from our followers, but there can only be one winner. It was a close call, but our pick is from Kacie Phillips (@kacie_phillips).

Kacie wrote, “I am a survivor because I live each and every day with the upmost optimism to make things happen!” That’s nothing short of the best attitude a person can have toward life, and the best way to combat adversity!

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iPad Survivor Case Giveaway!

On April 16, 2012, in Events, by Tom Herrmann

We are holding another contest on Twitter, and this time we’re giving away the incredible Griffin Technology Survivor Case for the iPad. Anyone with an iPad 2 or 3 will love having this protective accessory for their Apple tablet.

The rules are simple: Tweet why you’re a ‘Survivor’ and you will be entered to win. Just make sure you mention @Couponology and hashtag #couponPIX. There are a few other regulations you have to abide by, which you can find on the contest rules page.

The cases are amazing to say the least. Not only are they fashionable, coming in a variety of colors, but they’re also the best protection you can offer you iPad.

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