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An Exclusive David’s Cookies Promo Code

On February 13, 2012, in Reviews, by Tom Herrmann

One of the perks of this job is the free stuff we get, just to write a review. It’s even better when the free stuff is food. I’m a pretty big fan of eating, and David’s Cookies sent us a package that suited my needs.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had the pleasure of demolishing a tin of David’s Cookies, and yes, demolishing is the only appropriate word to describe it. That little red tin to the right is packed with a variety of cookies: chocolate chip, peanut butter, white chocolate almond, oatmeal raisin, and something with a fruit in it.

I wish I could be more precise on all of them, that’s just what I think they were. Regardless, they were DELICIOUS! It was somewhat problematic, having them on the corner of my desk. I caught myself going for seconds and thirds at any point throughout the day.

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DotW #5 – Crane & Co. Online Coupon

On February 12, 2012, in Deal of the Week, by Tom Herrmann

Last week was deal-less! Well, not really. There were certainly deals, but we didn’t have any featured in our “Spotlight” section, like we usually do. Here’s a sincere apology in the form of another way for you to keep your budget.

The good folks at Crane & Co. must have known I was going to be checking them out, because they wrote a little blurb on their site. It’s fairly perfect for what I’m doing here. 

“Same distinctive products, but at distinctly lower prices. For a limited time: shop these select gift & accessory items and receive up to 50% off the retail price. Quantites are very limited. All purchases of “on sale” items are final.”

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Happy Giants’ Parade Day!

On February 7, 2012, in Events, by Tom Herrmann

As you know from yesterdays Super Bowl post, our New York Giants are the football world champions! I can tell you first hand, the Long Island Rail Road has been packed since  early this morning, and they even have extra trains running to bring all the fans into Manhattan to celebrate.

Among the bustling crowd will be our very own John Daskalis. The Couponology President won’t just be attending the parade, but also the event at City Hall Plaza.

Good old JD was one of the lucky few to get two tickets to the  ceremony, something only a couple hundred people can say for themselves. It’s a great day to be a fan, but it’s an even better day to be a die-hard fan with passes to get up close and personal with your newly crowned Super Bowl Champions.

Hopefully JD will be keeping us updated with picks and details throughout the event. As new details come in, I’ll be posting them up here. Live vicariously through out blog!

EXCLUSIVE Sharper Image Promo Code

On February 6, 2012, in Featured Merchants, by Tom Herrmann

We’ve talked about Brookstone on here, in the past. It was about how unique the vendor was and how we didn’t offer anything else in its field. It’s individuality stands, but now we have a new merchant in that line of retail. Our new gadget grocer is none other than the renowned Sharper Image.

“Customers can easily and quickly research and purchase the latest Sharper Image branded and non branded products. Additional features include extensive product search functionality, informative video clips, customer product reviews and rankings, convenient order tracking, access to real-time, toll-free customer support and company related information providing a content-rich shopping experience.” – About Us page

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On February 6, 2012, in News, by Tom Herrmann

In case you’re one of the few people who have gone this long without hearing: THE GIANTS WON THE SUPER BOWL!!!

Super Bowl XLVI, a rematch from four years ago, between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots once again went NY’s way. The scores stayed close the entire game, and the tension was palpable until the very end!

Ahmad Bradshaw's Unintentional Touchdown

I’m not a big football fan myself, but I still had a great time watching the game, for even more than the wings and dip. You can see my personal favorite to the right.

The Patriots had a small lead in the last final minutes of the game, but the Giants were coming up the field. They wanted to eat up as much time as they could before getting a touchdown, so the Patriots would have less time to make a comeback.

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