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Turn Up the Heat with Northline Express

On October 11, 2011, in Featured Merchants, News, by Tom Herrmann

It may seem like Couponology caters only to apparel and electronics, at times. They are the two of the larger categories we offer, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In honor of all our vendors that stray from the norm: I give you Northline Express.

Where are you going to go for all your fireplace needs? Northline Express is exactly right! There you can get the fireplace itself, the mantel, the accessories, and that’s not all. They also specialize in wood burning stoves, patio heaters, grills and more. Essentially, what you’re getting with Northline Express is home luxuries.

Weather you want to prepare food, warm your house, or spruce up the fireplace you already have; Northline Express is the unique vendor for you. They not only cater to a specific market for us, here at Couponology, but they also offer some exclusive promo codes. Get $10 off $120+ orders, but only by using the Couponology coupon code CPNLGY10.

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